Friday, April 29, 2011


I love when summer break begins and it actually feels kinda summerish. After an excruciating day of stats finals yesterday where my brain felt like it may pop out of my head and begin teaching others calculations and formulas, I now feel like I can finally rest!! Except for the fact that I have 3 years of my life to pack up, get rid of, and give away. BooL.  It’s crazy to think that in just a few days I’m leaving Alaska for good. I mean sure I might visit, but the place that has been my home for nine months out of the year for 3 years straight has to now say goodbye to me. It must be hard for it, I know it’s hard for me.
                And as much as I tend to complain about how much I don’t like it here and how excited I am to go home, well I’ve kind of lied. There is actually a lot I am going to miss.
My team and our winningness(doesn't matter that it's not a word)

Having a reason to actually go to the gym

Light when it should be sleep time

Seeing moose right outside my house or when I'm walking to school 
My “mom”
Not having a car… hahaha, ok that one’s a lie
And soooo much more
Alaska, you've treated me well but it's time I'm off to slightly more populated areas. Slightly being the keyword here.

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